Texas Flat Subdivision and Pontiac Drive Drainage Improvement

Hancock County, MS

Texas Flat Subdivision and Pontiac Drive Drainage Improvement

about this project

Texas Flat neighborhood experiences flooding during major and minor storm events. Stormwater overtops the streets, and 1 to 2 homes are regularly flooded. Hancock County retained BMA to provide engineering design services in response to the community's needs. The project scope included upsizing drainage crossings and cleaning the channel on the downstream end.

Pontiac Drive regularly gets flooded by the Jordan River. The water often overtops the road impacting travel during storm events. In response to the area’s needs, Hancock County tasked BMA to develop a drainage plan to include small areas. The biggest challenge in the design process was locating an outfall location and getting approval from property owners. The project’s scope includes the installation of drainage, base repairs, and asphalt overly. 

Because both projects were funded by Hancock County, BMA took advantage of the small scale of the projects by merging the construction phases together. This merger made the projects easier to award and manage. Both projects are currently under construction, with anticipated completion by fall 2023. Once the projects are complete, they will eliminate street and house flooding in both communities.

Scope of Services Include:

  • Survey/topo
  • Easment coordination
  • Civil design and accommpanying documents
  • Construction Engineering
  • RPR Service

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