The City of Gulfport embarked on the reconstruction of the Bert Jones Yacht Basin which was completely destroyed as a result of damages caused by Hurricane Katrina. They selected Brown, Mitchell & Alexander, Inc. (BMA) (Prime—Civil), in conjunction with Canon Engineers (Mechanical) and Simpkins and Costelli, Inc. (Structural) to provide civil engineering and design services. An assessment report and corresponding estimates of cost prepared by BMA were used as the basis for the Scope of Work reflected on the FEMA Project Worksheets.
The massive project to reconstruct this facility was part of the $35 Million (FEMA funded) repair and improvement project that also included the renovation of Jones Park. The Harbor project included: construction of concrete bulkheads; main access and finger piers; mechanical dredging and disposal; an electrical system, a domestic water system, fire suppression system, and the vacuum wastewater system to service the boat slips.