HCUA Western Outfall

Hancock County, MS

HCUA Western Outfall

about this project

The Hancock County Utility Authority’s Western Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility currently discharges its treated effluent into Pate’s Bayou. This receiving stream is tidally influenced and does not have the assimilative capacity to support the discharge of the WWTF’s effluent. In order to mitigate the current water quality impairment of Pate’s Bayou due to effluent discharge, HCUA worked with MDEQ to locate a new discharge point. MDEQ has performed a water quality study and waste load allocation for discharge directly into the Pearl River.

Hancock County Utility Authority retained BMA for engineering design services, environmental permitting, funding assistance, RPR, and construction administration. One of the challenges in the project was identifying the best location for the outfall to discharge into the Pear River. Multiple discharge points were analyzed based on distance, cost, and disturbed wetland area. The project consists of the construction of approximately 5 miles of 8-inch diameter force main, along with associated valves and fittings from the HCUA Regional Western WWTF along White’s Road, Highway 604, Whipple Road, and Logtown Road for discharge into the Pearl River.

Scope of Services Include:

  • Survey/topo
  • Engineering design services and supporting documents
  • Easment coordination
  • Construction Engineering
  • RPR Service

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