Harrison County Utility Authority selected Brown, Mitchell & Alexander, Inc. (BMA) to provide professional engineering services for construction of a new wastewater treatment facility to service East Central Harrison County, Mississippi. The funds for this project were provided by Community Development Block Grant monies through the Mississippi Gulf Region Water and Wastewater Plan created as a result of the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.
Work for this project consisted of constructing a new 2,000,000 million gallon per day (MGD) wastewater treatment plant which included Administration Building with Motor Control Center and Emergency Generator, Headworks, Odor Control System, On-site Pump Station, Two (2) Flow Splitters, Oxidation Ditch, Two (2) Clarifiers, Chlorine/Sulfur Dioxide Disinfection System, Non-Potable Water System, Parshall Flume, Re-Aeration Tank, Two (2) Digesters, Return and Waste Activated Pump Station, Mechanical and Electrical Controls, Belt Filter Press with Associated Sludge Conveyors, Maintenance Building, and SCADA Components.
Construction costs totaled $12 million.
Scope of Services: