Combined Utilities

George County, MS

Combined Utilities Inc. Water System Improvements and Extension

about this project

Combined Utilities, Inc. owns and operates a public water supply and distribution system located in George County serving a population of approximately 6,000. Strong population growth and new development resulted in a strain on the existing water system and additional demand for its service. In some areas, the strain of the increasing water demands was so acute that homeowners of two-story houses reported complaints of being unable to get water on the second floor of their homes. Combined Utilities required improvements to its water infrastructure to accommodate this demand throughout and beyond its service area.

Combined Utilities retained the services of  Brown, Mitchell & Alexander, Inc. (BMA) to prepare a Facilities Plan and related documents to apply for loan funding through the Mississippi State Department of Health’s Drinking Water Systems Revolving Loan Fund (DWSIRLF) program. BMA subsequently provided design, bid, and construction phase services for the projects.Three separate construction projects were funded by the DWSIRLF loan: a water distribution system improvement and expansion project consisting of approximately 30 miles of new water mains; a new 1,000 gpm water well with chlorination and fluoridation equipment, generator, and SCADA system, and a 200,000 gallon elevated storage tank. The water distribution system improvement and elevated tank projects are currently in operation. Construction on the water well project is in progress.

Prior to this work, Combined Utilities’ system served 2,300 customers. These expansion and improvements allow it to meet the demands of its current customers, approximately 400 additional customers, and is projected to support anticipated population growth over the next 25 years.

Scope of Services Include:

  • Program Administration
  • Facilities Plan
  • Civil Design
  • Environmental Permitting 
  • Development of Contract Documents, Specifications, and Construction Plans
  • Bidding Assistance
  • Construction Administration 
  • Construction Observation Services

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